Boat size notice

Following repeated complaints and formal warnings received regarding the occupation of berths with oversized boats, this Management was forced to inform the Maritime Authority, or the Port Authority of Civitavecchia, which requires us to respect and enforce the Regulation of the port approved by them for the part concerning safety.

We therefore remind you that mooring a boat on a berth of smaller dimensions than those foreseen by the categories, constitutes a violation of the Port Regulations, to the knowledge of every member/user of a berth, as well as visible and downloadable from our website and precisely:

“Art.12 – The measurements of the units moored in the landing place must not exceed in width, including appendices, those provided for the categories of the relative berths while for the length tolerances are allowed in the order of 5% compared to the size of the categories. Reference measurements are those listed in the navigation licence. The water footprint measures, considering the normal projections from distance from the jetty and uncalculated appendages in overall length, must not exceed the size of the category more 20% departing from the wharf or quay. The port management has the right to derogate from the limits with absolutely temporary measures."

Therefore, this Management makes it known that for any case of occupancy with boat measurements that exceed those permitted by the aforementioned article, following each official report received, the Maritime Authority will also necessarily be informed, which obviously has the right to proceed against the person responsible according to the rules established by law.