Requests for rescue at sea


Following the requests received in recent weeks by our operators, the
Riva Di Traiano Tourist Port, reminds all Members and Users that this is not possible
carry out assistance and/or rescue operations outside the entrance to the Port.

Any cases of damage or danger that a boat may find itself in will need to be managed
by the Commander of the unit itself through the "Declaration of the State of
” to be made official as soon as possible at the Harbor Master's Office VHF CH 16
(Rescue Channel) or by calling the no. 1530 (Emergency at Sea).

The latter will assume full management of the emergency using all means
that he will have at his disposal, possibly and if available also those of our company. Society,
but always under their direction and coordination.
Thanking you for your cooperation, best regards.


Boat size notice

Following repeated complaints and formal warnings received regarding the occupation of berths with oversized boats, this Management was forced to inform the Maritime Authority, or the Port Authority of Civitavecchia, which requires us to respect and enforce the Regulation of the port approved by them for the part concerning safety.

We therefore remind you that mooring a boat on a berth of smaller dimensions than those foreseen by the categories, constitutes a violation of the Port Regulations, to the knowledge of every member/user of a berth, as well as visible and downloadable from our website and precisely:

“Art.12 – The measurements of the units moored in the landing place must not exceed in width, including appendices, those provided for the categories of the relative berths while for the length tolerances are allowed in the order of 5% compared to the size of the categories. Reference measurements are those listed in the navigation licence. The water footprint measures, considering the normal projections from distance from the jetty and uncalculated appendages in overall length, must not exceed the size of the category more 20% departing from the wharf or quay. The port management has the right to derogate from the limits with absolutely temporary measures."

Therefore, this Management makes it known that for any case of occupancy with boat measurements that exceed those permitted by the aforementioned article, following each official report received, the Maritime Authority will also necessarily be informed, which obviously has the right to proceed against the person responsible according to the rules established by law.

Ordinary meeting called


First call 29 April 2024 at the registered office


Please remember that all members can access the meeting upon identification.
Those who intend to delegate someone must request the appropriate ticket personally from the Management or by email from the registered address.
Only members or their delegates whose shares are deposited in the social funds will have the opportunity to vote.
Such filing must take place at least 5 days before the date of the meeting.

Members can request point documents 1 all’O.d.G., from the registered address, to the following email address:

Pier maintenance – closing of works

Dear Members and Users of the Port,

we are pleased to announce that the Q-R and S-T piers will be operational and accessible from tomorrow morning.

This concludes the most challenging phase of the work.

Some small finishing works still needed will also be completed next week.

The Porto Turistico first of all thanks the Director of works, Ing. Marco Censasorte, for the great availability and professionalism that was fundamental for the realization of these important works.

A big thank you to the Virginio Sacchetti company, to all its employees and to the owner Paolo Sacchetti, who with great commitment and experience were able to complete in such a short time an amount of work that was not only impressive but also particularly difficult considering the marine environment in which it was carried out.

But above all thanks to all our Employees who gave their all, working even in truly difficult weather conditions and ensuring management, handling and care of the large number of boats that had to be moved in order to be able to operate with the impressive construction equipment needed.

Thanks to the Members and Users of the Port for the collaboration and patience shown.

Happy Easter everyone.

The President

Pier maintenance – update

Dear Members and Users of the Port,
The O-P pier is also operational and normally accessible.

The works director informs us that barring unforeseen circumstances, the Q-R and S-T piers will be delivered and operational by next weekend.

We will promptly inform you about the next evolution of the works.

We will update you as soon as we have news on the progress of the work.

Thanks for collaboration.

The President

Pier maintenance – update

Dear Members and Users of the Port,

I wanted to inform you with pleasure that all the necessary beams have been replaced on the M-N piers, O-P, S-T e Q-R.

At this point we are trying to restore access to the piers, including electricity and water, with the contractors, in the shortest possible time.

In order to be able to work safely and as quickly as possible, we are sorry but it will not be possible to access the piers until the time of delivery with relative closure of the construction sites.

All accesses to the prohibited areas are cordoned off.

We will inform you as soon as it is possible to access the piers.

Please understand that these works are fundamental for the future use of the port facility.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The President

Pier maintenance – update

Dear Members and Users of the Port,

Work on the piers is progressing, despite some days of bad weather and strong winds according to the best forecasts.

This will also make it possible to replace the beams of the last part (towards the sea) of the Q-R pier.

The affected berths are::

Q side from the number 28 at 41

R side from the number 32 at 50

It is therefore necessary to empty the affected seats on the Q-R Pier.

The dismantling operations of the electricity and water systems will begin shortly.

All pier owners will be contacted and please give maximum collaboration with the Management for the necessary operations.

We thank you again for the collaboration provided by all interested parties.

The President

Pier maintenance – update

Dear Members and Users of the Port,

We inform you that the construction site for the maintenance of the piers is proceeding on schedule, this thanks to the excellent work done by our staff, the appointed companies and your collaboration.

The beams of the M-N Pier have all been replaced and services and normal access will be restored in the next few days.

Work is also progressing on the O-P Pier where some beams have already been replaced.

It is therefore necessary to empty the S-T Pier.

The dismantling operations of the electricity and water systems will begin shortly.

All pier owners will be contacted and please give maximum collaboration with the Management for the necessary operations.


We invite you, as always, follow the updates also on our website and our Facebook page.

We would also like to remind you that the Port Authority of Civitavecchia has issued an Ordinance (n.22/2024) which regulates the movements of the boats for the entire duration of the works within the Marina to which everyone must scrupulously adhere.


You can view the complete Ordinance on the Civitavecchia Port Authority website, both on our website and on our Facebook page..

The Ordinance is also available for viewing at the Management and at the entrance gate.

We thank you again for your cooperation.

The President

Pier maintenance – 24/25 feb. ban on leaving moorings

Dear Members and Users of the Port,

We inform you that to recover the construction site stoppage due to bad weather, operations will also be carried out on Saturdays 24 is Sunday 25 February.

(see Ordinance CP n. 22/2024)

I remind you that the sanctions linked to the violation of an order of the Harbor Office are very heavy.

You can view the complete Ordinance on the Civitavecchia Port Authority website, both on our website and on our Facebook page..

The Ordinance is also available for viewing at the Management and at the entrance gate.

We apologize for the inconvenience but the maintenance of our Port is a priority and given the difficulties we have had in finding the work vehicles we cannot afford to lose even a single working day unless due to force majeure..

We thank everyone for their cooperation.

The President

Pier maintenance – start of operational phase

Dear Members and users of the Port,

We inform you that the construction site for the maintenance of the piers has entered the operational phase today.

Pier M-N is expected to be completely replaced with new beams within the week and the boats that had been moved to piers A-B-C and D will gradually be relocated to the original pier.

At the same time, the emptying of the O-P Pier will begin where the dismantling of the electrical and water systems will soon begin.

All pier owners will be contacted and please give maximum collaboration with the Management for the necessary operations.


We invite you to follow the updates also on our website and our Facebook page.

It is very important that all members and users of the berths know that the Port Authority of Civitavecchia has issued an Ordinance (n. 22/2024) which regulates the movements of the boats for the entire duration of the works within the Marina to which everyone must scrupulously adhere.


I remind you that the sanctions linked to the violation of an order of the Harbor Office are very heavy.

You can view the complete Ordinance on the Civitavecchia Port Authority website, both on our website and on our Facebook page..

The Ordinance is also available for viewing at the Management and at the entrance gate.

Sure of your maximum cooperation, We will promptly update you on the progress of the works.

The President

Operation ghost networks

Last Saturday 17 February an operation took place on the seabed involving the Staff of Riva di Traiano Spa, the Marevivo Environmentalist Foundation, the port authorities and the Diving Unit from the Financial Police of Civitavecchia, the operation coordinated by Simon Pierucci allowed the removal of a ghost network the length of 120 Mt abandoned at the point of “Coral Stone” well-known destination for scuba diving. The network has been appropriately disposed of by our operators.

Operation Ghost Nets it is a project to recover abandoned networks. The seabed, In fact, they are full of abandoned or accidentally lost networks which among marine waste represent one of the greatest threats to the ecosystem. Are a danger to marine fauna, because the animals get trapped and suffocate. In addition, with time, they are chopped into small pieces, microplastics, that are ingested by animals.

For other info:

CdP Interdiction of the body of water

The Head of the Maritime District and Commander of the Port of Civitavecchia announces the requirement with immediate effect and until the end, the company SACCHETTI VERGINIO S.r.l., in a generalized premise, will carry out on behalf of the company Porto Turistico Riva di Traiano S.p.a., with headquarters in via Aurelia at km 67,580 in the Municipality of Civitavecchia, the consolidation works of the piers inside the Riva di Traiano port
(starting from the pier marked by the letters M/N and continuing with the others indicated in the attached plan), by setting up temporary construction sites, with the help of the M/P called "FORTUNATO" registered at no. 3646 of RR.NN.MM.DD. of the Port Authority of Chioggia


Art. 1 – Interdiction of the body of water

As of today, until the end of the work, the affected body of water
from the works, as per the attached plan, appropriately delimited by the Port Management/Contracting Company, it is forbidden, for functional excerpts and for phases following navigation, stop with any unit, both for pleasure and for professional use, as well as carry out any other technical/nautical activity.
Any exceptions to the above prohibition may be permitted by the Management of the Port of Riva di Traiano via the Control Tower, who will ensure the correct and safe carrying out of related activities.
In addition, all units, entering/exiting the Port or moving in areas not affected by the works, they are however obliged to contact the Control Tower, which will coordinate its relative movement.
It will be the responsibility of the requesting Company to carry out, in relation to aspects relating to the safety of work, the appropriate checks on the appointed company. It will have to, In addition, comply with any conditions established by the Managing Body in the context of the concession relationship. […]

Please read the original document attached below:

Communicated to members about the start of pier works

Dear Members and Users of the berths,
We inform you that the construction site for the maintenance and updating of
mooring infrastructure and piers will open next Monday.
The piers mainly affected are: M-N, O-P e S-T, which will be entirely
renewed, with possible interventions also on adjacent ones.
We will contact you for the necessary movement of the boats to the various places
I apologize for not being able to communicate this more in advance, ma
the enormous difficulty in confirming the availability of the necessary work resources
(especially the nautical ones) It only arrived today late morning.
Initially, the pier and the area in front of the M-N pier where it will be located will be affected
the operational area towards land has also been set up.
After arrival (scheduled for 5-8 February) of the necessary means for
operations that will take place by sea, and the arrival of the most bulky materials, will be
a further large construction site has been set up near the future Tower
The most demanding jobs, which are estimated to last approximately 20 days, they will begin to
All our staff and companies interested in the works will try to reduce to
minimal inconvenience but we are sure of your maximum understanding understanding
that these improvements are necessary to always have our Port with the maximum
We invite you to contact the Management for any request or need and to follow the
upcoming updates also on our website and Facebook.
The President

Port Regulations Update

Please note that the Port Regulations have been updated, in particular we invite you to pay attention to the new Art 33 bis and on this occasion we invite members and all interested parties to read the entire document.

Go to the rules page

Art 33 bis – It is absolutely forbidden for all Commanders - Owners/Owners and Users of boats to keep their own electrical connection cable to the column located on the dock connected to it and with the switch in the "on" position in the absence of people on board., i.e. uncontrolled. Any battery recharging operations must strictly take place with the Captain present on board for the entire duration of the same and in any case he must be present until the electrical cable is disconnected from the dock or the switch is switched to the "off" position.

Hazard warning for 29 April – Speed ​​record attempt over the distance of 25 miles

We inform you that from hours 07.00 at hours 09.00 of the day 29 April 2023 the stretch of sea in front of the
coast between the roadstead of the canal port of Fiumicino (starting from the coordinate point
41°46.260’ N, 012°11.650’ E, one mile from the port entrance) up to the turning mark
located at 42° 02.766' N, 011° 45.540’ E, in 2.5 miles across the rampart of
Riva di Traiano, will be affected by a world record attempt with a unit from
competition of the type indicated in the introduction, which will travel, in approx 50 minutes, Suddenly
total of 50 nautical miles along the Fiumicino/Civitavecchia route and back.

The sea area referred to in MAKES NOTICED, in the aforementioned period, is declared
DANGEROUS: for maritime navigation, the parking of the units in general, as well as for
fishing and all activities related to the use of the sea.
All units of any nature in transit within and in the vicinity of the aforementioned area
are obliged to pay maximum attention and to strengthen the lookout service on the bridge,
using all available means suited to the circumstances of the moment, in order to
allow for a full assessment of the situation or collision risks.

Read to learn more

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting

The Shareholders of P.T.R.T. S.p.A. they are called to an ordinary meeting in Civitavecchia, Via Aurelia SS 1 km 67,580 On first call on 30 April 2023 hours 09,00 at the Headquarters-Management and if necessary on second call on 20 may 2023 hours 10.00 at Ed. In – Port Area with the following Agenda:

  1. Financial statements as of 31 December 2022 and related reports. Resolutions on the matter
  2. Cost estimate for port services 2023. Resolutions on the matter
  3. Remuneration of Directors. Resolutions on the matter
  4. Various and possible

The documents of the point 1 will be available to members upon request via email at from 15.04.2023.

For the participation and deposit of shares, the provisions of the Law and the Articles of Association apply.

Blood Donation and Sailing FRATRES!


SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 8 may 2022
SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing: Porto Turistico Riva di Traiano
SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 15 April, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, Last name, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing

07,30-08,00 / 08,00-08,30 / 08,30-09,00 / 09,00-09,30 / 10,00SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing / 10,30SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing

  • Hours 06,00/6,30 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing
  • Hours 07,45 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing – SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 1
  • Hours 07,30/07,40 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing
  • Hours 08,00 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing

SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 07,30 and will end at 11,00. The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 11,20, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 12,30.

Hours 07,30/11,45 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at.

Hours 12,30 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 16,00/16,30

Hours 11,30 – 12,15 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at / 12,30 – 13,30 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at

The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at:

The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at: The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at: The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at: The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 23,00 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at.

The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 15 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at.

The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu 0766.23610 – 339/6306195 you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

Hours 17,00 – 17,30 you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu

1. you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

2. you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu: you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 15 April, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, Last name, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu. you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between 07,30 the 10,00 would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between.

3. would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between: would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between.

would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between of Boat Club Riva di Traiano. would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between (would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between) and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers).

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers. Tel. 320/7179987.

4. and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers 2/3 and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers.

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers. 1,04 of 04.04.2022

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers

SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 8 may 2022

SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing: Porto Turistico Riva di Traiano

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers: and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers:

  • and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
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  • and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers 1 and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers. and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia 1
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia 4 – Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia. Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia. Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia. Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers. 1,04 04.04.2022

From Riva di Traiano you can see Giannutri?

The answer is no! and there is a reason you should know if you go to sea!

The marine horizon is the circle with the observer at the center and the radius is the distance between the observer and the meeting line between the atmosphere and the surface of the sea. To determine the distance of the marine horizon, the formula is solved: D = 2,08 √e, dove (and) is the height of the observer's eye above sea level. The visible distance depends on the observer's height above sea level e, in theory, the observer should be able to see up to the point of tangency of the line of his view with the sea surface, but the refraction due to the earth's atmosphere has the effect of “bend” the view, increasing its radius. Refraction is the deviation that a ray of light undergoes as it passes through different elements, in this case the layers of the atmosphere.

For further information:

If we take our case, considering the Riva di Traiano tower as an observation point (10mt slm) and we apply the necessary formulas we will realize that the island of Giannutri (Poggio by Capel Rosso 89,4 m) falls within the non-visible portion of the horizon even considering the effect of refraction

Download the Excel sheet for calculating the distance of the horizon and the visibility between two points

Below is a summary graphic

Re-reading of the Board of Directors

We inform all shareholders who have attended in person or by proxy, that the assembly of the day Saturday 12 June was held regularly in a special outdoor area and in accordance with the anti-Covid19 regulations in force, it is noted that the Board of Directors current was entirely reconfirmed.

We take this opportunity to wish all our members a good summer.

Ministry of Infrastructure, rights and duties of the yacht owner

Thanks to ours associated Mrs. Luisella Rosmini, we share the response document of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility on the Rights and Duties of the owner, financial lease user or diligent shipowner in the maintenance of pleasure craft, hoping that this document will also be useful to others, a greeting from the Riva di Traiano Staff

End of maintenance work on the piers

We inform you that the maintenance works of the piers have been completed and the services have been fully restored.

Everything took place in maximum safety and with very short times.

We thank the employees of Riva Di Traiano and external companies, than with their great work and commitment, have allowed this excellent result in a very short time.

Thanks again to the Members and to the users of the berths for their collaboration and availability.

Certain that next summer will be full of satisfaction and fun for boaters, we will do our best to always keep the Port services fully functional and usable for everyone.

Fair Winds

The Board of Directors

Mengucci ready with Ita1000 for the Mini Class 650

The Riva di Traiano sailor moves from the Atlantic to the Tuscan Archipelago

Michela Nunn

Only one day left, the 18 March, at the first double regatta of the Italian Mini Class Championship 650, regatta that will take place in the Tuscan Archipelago.

Giovanni Mengucci will also participate, known sailor of Riva di Traiano who, for the occasion, he moved his boat, ITA1000, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean to face this further qualification test for the well-known MiniTransat regatta 6.50, trans-ocean regatta reserved for small boats led by solo sailors which will take place at the end of September 2021.

Numerous boats have entered the competition which can be followed via tracking systems on the site

Notice to all members and users of the berths

We inform you that the maintenance work on the piers has been completed. In fact, there are only a few refinement and improvement works on the systems that we will try to finish as soon as possible.
Members and yachtsmen are requested to bring the boats back to their mooring places as soon as possible in coordination with the management.
Thanks again to all the employees of Riva Di Traiano and of the external companies who gave their maximum collaboration in this phase so important for the Port..
Thanks also to all the Members and the users of the berths for their collaboration and availability.
Especially still to those, that while mooring in the part of the port not interested in the works, however, they helped the Management by temporarily making their mooring available, thus facilitating travel and reducing the necessary technical times.
Hello everybody

Update on the maintenance work of the piers

We confirm that the works are proceeding on schedule.
On the U-V dock, the restoration of electricity and water supplies will be completed by Friday.
Work is also being done on the S-T quay to restore supplies.
All boat owners interested in returning to their place, they will be contacted by the Management.
Major operations on piers O-P and M-N are expected to be finished next week.
We believe we can completely close the maintenance work by the third week of February.

We thank the Members and the users of the berths for their collaboration.
The President

Il Marangone Nautical Agency

The nautical agency Il Marangone was born in 1983 during the construction of the Riva di Traiano tourist port. Always a leader in the nautical sector, The Marangone S.R.L.. has always distinguished itself within the port by offering its services in a reliable and competitive way.

We take care of management, sale and rent berths, Nautical Practices, Insurance, Changes of ownership, Technical advice, Insurance appraisals, Appraisals, RINA appraisals, and so on…” S

We are also an Telematic Desk for the yachtsman (PLACE) qualified.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions…

Via Aurelia Sud, Km. 67,580
00053 Lincs

  • Mob. +39 3351238665
  • Tel. +39 0766501633


Our schedules:

  • Monday, 09.00 13.00
  • Tuesday, – Friday 09.00 13.00 – 15.00 18.00
  • Saturday 09.00 13.00 – 15.30 18.00
  • Sunday 09.00 13.00

CMD Srl Centro Motori D’Angelo

CMD Srl since 2001 deals with maintenance and overhaul of marine and industrial engines. We are an Authorized Service Center : Volvo Penta , FPT Iveco Aifo , VM Motori, Seatek high speed engines.

In addition to the maintenance and / or overhaul of the VS propulsion unit, thanks to the brands represented we are able to offer various repowering packages for your Vela boat, Engine, Sail Drive, Inboard or Sterndrive thanks to the NS Staff always constantly updated.

Via Aurelia Sud, Km. 67,580
00053 Lincs

  • Tel. +39 0766225970
  • Cell +39 3388458729
  • Cell +39 3356577261


Our schedules:

From Monday to Vanerdi from 08:00 at 12:30 and from 14:00 at 17:00

Saturday from 08:00 at 12:30

Piers – work update

We inform you with great pleasure, that the works are proceeding on schedule.
Sui moli U-V, S-T and Q-R the positioning of the beams has been completed and the flooring and the electrical and water supplies are being completely restored.
Operations are now underway on piers O-P and M-N.
Thanks to all the employees of Riva Di Traiano and external companies who work incessantly and with great availability even after hours and on holidays.
We believe we can completely close this maintenance phase by the third week of February.
Thanks again to all the Members and the users of the berths for their collaboration and availability.
Especially to those, that while mooring in the part of the port not interested in the works, however, they helped the Management by making their temporarily empty mooring available to facilitate movement.
Thank you all!

The President and the CEO

ASD Riva di Traiano Nautical Club

The Association aims to contribute to the dissemination, knowledge and practice of the sport of sailing in competitive and amateur form, as well as the organization of national and international sporting events related to large offshore sailing and other nautical activities, offering members and members a wide range of events.

Via Aurelia Sud, Km. 67,580
00053 Lincs

ED A10

Our schedules:

Saturday and Sunday

09.00 13.00 – 15.00 19.00

Piers – work update

Dear partners,
The work on the supporting structures of the U-V pier has been completed, the boats currently moored on the S-T piers will therefore be positioned on this pier, Q-R, O-P and M-N in the sections of the pier involved in maintenance.
The Management will contact all the owners of the boats involved in this phase. We kindly ask you to give our maximum cooperation to minimize the technical times necessary for the completion of the work.
Ground access to the U-V dock will still be banned for a few days.
We again thank all the employees of Riva Di Traiano and the workers of the external companies, who are working tirelessly to complete maintenance as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation.
The President

Work progress

Dear partners,

the maintenance of the piers proceeds regularly in full compliance with the expected processing times.

The pontoon for positioning the rafters is doing an excellent job (we remind you that this is a highly professional vehicle obtained also thanks to the Sacchetti company, whom we thank again).

The completely renovated U-V dock, will be available soon.

Work is therefore now starting on the S-T pier, which is only partially affected by maintenance.

Members and boaters who moor on portions of the pier involved in maintenance, they will be contacted by the Management for the movement of boats,

We also remind you that the Ordinance is active (n. 01/2021Port Authority of Civitavecchia issued) which regulates the movements of boats for the entire duration of the work within the Marina to which all must scrupulously comply.


You can view the complete Ordinance on the Civitavecchia Port Authority website, on our website and on our Facebook page.

The Ordinance is also available for viewing at the Management and at the entrance gate.

Safe, as always, of your maximum cooperation, you will be promptly on the progress of the work.

The President

Studio Mak

Studio Mengucci has been operating in Rome since 1965, with consolidated experience and organization for qualified assistance in the legal field, corporate, bankruptcy, tax, contractual, of the corporate audit, of work and social disciplines, offering quality services combining efficiency and results for the customer.

The firm's activities include the complex system of activities and regulatory obligations for both companies and individuals, in a context of continuous updating and regulatory analysis.


Via Aurelia Sud, Km. 67,580
00053 Lincs

ED B SOUTH 14-15

Our schedules:

Lun-Ven 9:30 – 18:30

Riva di Traiano Yacht Club

The YCRT aims to promote and spread the culture of the sea and of’ environment in all its manifestations: pleasure boating, fishing, underwater, all water sports. It also wants to encourage tourism, enhance the area where the Riva di Traiano Tourist Port is based and offer members a pleasant stay at their headquarters, also by organizing cultural and convivial events.

Via Aurelia Sud, Km. 67,580
00053 Lincs

  • Cell: +39-335.465909

BOX 23

Our schedules:

Holidays and days before holidays

Traiano Yachting srl

Agenzia Traiano Yachting srl deals with renting and selling berths, nautical practice and we also offer assistance and maintenance services to pleasure boating

Via Aurelia Sud, Km. 67,580
00053 Lincs

  • Tel: 0766-21012
  • Cell: 335-6895732

BOX 42

Our schedules:

from 9:00 at 13:00 – 14:30 at 18:00 everyday

Monday closed

Rainbow Italy

It offers technical and logistic consulting services for boating, which it carries out on its own and through qualified partners, among them the historic sail loft Incarbona of Fiumicino del Olimpic Sails Group, performs any service concerning the sails and the internal and external upholstery of sailing and motor boats.

Via Aurelia Sud, Km. 67,580
00053 Lincs


Our schedules:

  • 9.30-13.30 16.00-19.00

Ordinance n ° 1/2021

Dear partners,
We inform you that the first part of the maintenance works for the pontoons is proceeding regularly.
The replacement of the beams of the U-V pier from the ground with the help of cranes has been completed.
The works will continue with the special vehicles that will operate on the water mirror.
It is very important that all the members and users of the berths know that the Port Authority of Civitavecchia has issued an Ordinance (n. 01/2021) which regulates the movements of the boats for the entire duration of the works within the Marina to which everyone must scrupulously adhere.

You can view the complete Ordinance on the website of the Port Authority of Civitavecchia, on our site below and on our page Facebook.
The Ordinance is also available for viewing at the Management and at the entrance gate.
Sure of your maximum cooperation, We will promptly update you on the progress of the works.

The President