Cleaning of the Ardeola/Adornò wreck (Archaeological site and underwater destination)

The Ardeola was a steamer from 2609 tons, used for mixed transport of goods (mainly fruit) and passengers ( in cabins of 1^ and 2^) Built for the Ardeola Steam Ship Co.LTD by Caledon Shipbuilding &Co Ltd a Dundee was launched in July of 1912; it was equipped with a triple expansion steam machine that allowed her to reach the 12.5 nodes, It was 310.2ft , long 44,2 ft , he had a smoke, Three trees and a propeller.
He exceeded unscathed the First World War and in 1920 It was purchased by the Yoeward Line.
The Yoeward Line had already possessed two other ships with the name of Ardeola and this is why the ship subject of this is also identified as Ardeola 3.
L ’Arrdeola 3 in 1935 It was re -abacible by the Italians in the port of Aden and the invasion of ABISSINIA was destined for freight deposit. When he was returned to the property he had now lost the passenger transport qualification.
The 9 November 1942, off the coast, while he was carrying out a transport of goods destined for Malta, It was captured by a Vichy motorboat; The crew was interned, while the steamship was entrusted to the Germans who in turn handed it to the Italians (Lloyd Triestino) in January of 1943.
It was at this moment that the name was changed in Adrnò.
During some maintenance works the 4 Posts for Contracts machine guns.
Rented in March 1943 The Carboni monopoly was destined for freight transport in the Mediterranean.
It was precisely during one of these transport that the 23 July 1943, Near the port of Civitavecchia, It was hit and sunk by one of the two torpedoes launched by the English submarine HMS Torbay commanded by the LT Robert Clutterbuck

The wreck today:
Currently the wreck adornò lies in perfect navigation structure at a depth of about 60 meters, at a distance of 2 miles from the coast. Is broken near the stern, where the torpedo hit him.
In any case, the stern is no more than a few meters from the rest of the ship. The visit to the machine room is suggestive; The wooden parts of the superstructures have disappeared and the premises present themselves bare; The holds are almost invaded by the mud.
The proximity to the port of Civitavecchia e, above all, the muddy backdrop, make visibility often scarce.
To make the dive further demanding is the presence of many lines and different ghost networks, including in particular one that floats held raised by the floats.

The intervention:
As a enthusiast of wrecks and professional divers, the will is to provide for
removal of ghost nets, First of all to preserve the adorned as a historical finding, both for the value itself, In addition to this also for the value it has taken in the underwater community at the moment, however, unfortunately limited by the possibility of admiring the wreck due to the danger of the immersion due to the presence of what is described above.
This project involves involved:

The Superintendency of Archeology Fine Arts and Landscape for the Province of Viterbo and for Southern Etruria, The Onlus Marevivo Association, The tourist port of Riva di Traiano (who made himself available to the disposal of networks).
Its realization was possible thanks to the support of the following sponsors:

  • XDive by Alfredo Ciulli on social networks such as XDIVE
  • SERS Special Research on Socials such as SORS – Special searches
  • Rosati Utensili srl – Civitavecchia on social networks such as Rosati Utensili
  • Central supputes srl – Civitavecchia on social networks such as Central Supputure Srl
  • CMD – Angel motor center – Civitavecchia on social networks such as cmd srl motor center d’ Angelo

Operation ghost networks

Last Saturday 17 February an operation took place on the seabed involving the Staff of Riva di Traiano Spa, the Marevivo Environmentalist Foundation, the port authorities and the Diving Unit from the Financial Police of Civitavecchia, the operation coordinated by Simon Pierucci allowed the removal of a ghost network the length of 120 Mt abandoned at the point of “Coral Stone” well-known destination for scuba diving. The network has been appropriately disposed of by our operators.

Operation Ghost Nets it is a project to recover abandoned networks. The seabed, In fact, they are full of abandoned or accidentally lost networks which among marine waste represent one of the greatest threats to the ecosystem. Are a danger to marine fauna, because the animals get trapped and suffocate. In addition, with time, they are chopped into small pieces, microplastics, that are ingested by animals.

For other info:

Hazard warning for 29 April – Speed ​​record attempt over the distance of 25 miles

We inform you that from hours 07.00 at hours 09.00 of the day 29 April 2023 the stretch of sea in front of the
coast between the roadstead of the canal port of Fiumicino (starting from the coordinate point
41°46.260’ N, 012°11.650’ E, one mile from the port entrance) up to the turning mark
located at 42° 02.766' N, 011° 45.540’ E, in 2.5 miles across the rampart of
Riva di Traiano, will be affected by a world record attempt with a unit from
competition of the type indicated in the introduction, which will travel, in approx 50 minutes, Suddenly
total of 50 nautical miles along the Fiumicino/Civitavecchia route and back.

The sea area referred to in MAKES NOTICED, in the aforementioned period, is declared
DANGEROUS: for maritime navigation, the parking of the units in general, as well as for
fishing and all activities related to the use of the sea.
All units of any nature in transit within and in the vicinity of the aforementioned area
are obliged to pay maximum attention and to strengthen the lookout service on the bridge,
using all available means suited to the circumstances of the moment, in order to
allow for a full assessment of the situation or collision risks.

Read to learn more

Blood Donation and Sailing FRATRES!


SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 8 may 2022
SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing: Porto Turistico Riva di Traiano
SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 15 April, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, Last name, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing

07,30-08,00 / 08,00-08,30 / 08,30-09,00 / 09,00-09,30 / 10,00SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing / 10,30SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing

  • Hours 06,00/6,30 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing
  • Hours 07,45 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing – SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 1
  • Hours 07,30/07,40 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing
  • Hours 08,00 SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing

SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 07,30 and will end at 11,00. The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 11,20, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 12,30.

Hours 07,30/11,45 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at.

Hours 12,30 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 16,00/16,30

Hours 11,30 – 12,15 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at / 12,30 – 13,30 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at

The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at:

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The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at 15 The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at.

The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, The deadline for the ascent to the blood bank is at, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu 0766.23610 – 339/6306195 you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

Hours 17,00 – 17,30 you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu

1. you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

2. you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu: you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 15 April, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, Last name, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu. you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu.

you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, you can also eat at the Baia Blu by choosing the à la carte menu, would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between 07,30 the 10,00 would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between.

3. would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between: would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between.

would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between of Boat Club Riva di Traiano. would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between (would also like to participate in the VELEGGIATA FRATRES, have the foresight to book as soon as possible by asking for an appointment between) and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers).

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers. Tel. 320/7179987.

4. and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers 2/3 and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers.

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers. 1,04 of 04.04.2022

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers

SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing 8 may 2022

SOLIDARITY DAY aimed at the DONATION of BLOOD and FRATRES sailing: Porto Turistico Riva di Traiano

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers: and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers:

  • and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
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  • and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia 1
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia 4 – Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia. Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia. Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia. Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)
  • Head of Police Department of PS Civitavecchia (and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers)

and for blood donors who wish to participate as boarding passengers. 1,04 04.04.2022

From Riva di Traiano you can see Giannutri?

The answer is no! and there is a reason you should know if you go to sea!

The marine horizon is the circle with the observer at the center and the radius is the distance between the observer and the meeting line between the atmosphere and the surface of the sea. To determine the distance of the marine horizon, the formula is solved: D = 2,08 √e, dove (and) is the height of the observer's eye above sea level. The visible distance depends on the observer's height above sea level e, in theory, the observer should be able to see up to the point of tangency of the line of his view with the sea surface, but the refraction due to the earth's atmosphere has the effect of “bend” the view, increasing its radius. Refraction is the deviation that a ray of light undergoes as it passes through different elements, in this case the layers of the atmosphere.

For further information:

If we take our case, considering the Riva di Traiano tower as an observation point (10mt slm) and we apply the necessary formulas we will realize that the island of Giannutri (Poggio by Capel Rosso 89,4 m) falls within the non-visible portion of the horizon even considering the effect of refraction

Download the Excel sheet for calculating the distance of the horizon and the visibility between two points

Below is a summary graphic

Mengucci ready with Ita1000 for the Mini Class 650

The Riva di Traiano sailor moves from the Atlantic to the Tuscan Archipelago

Michela Nunn

Only one day left, the 18 March, at the first double regatta of the Italian Mini Class Championship 650, regatta that will take place in the Tuscan Archipelago.

Giovanni Mengucci will also participate, known sailor of Riva di Traiano who, for the occasion, he moved his boat, ITA1000, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean to face this further qualification test for the well-known MiniTransat regatta 6.50, trans-ocean regatta reserved for small boats led by solo sailors which will take place at the end of September 2021.

Numerous boats have entered the competition which can be followed via tracking systems on the site

Giovanni Mengucci departs from Civitavecchia for the solo regatta between Les Sables and the Azores

From 1st to 28 August will host the eighth edition of the SAS - "Les Sables - Azores Islands - Les Sables" oceanic stage regatta, reserved for Mini boats 6.50 for the qualification of the Mini Transat 2021.

To participate 80 lone sailors including Giovanni Mengucci, class 1999, with his brand new ALPHA LYRAE boat, a Pogo3 with whom he will try his hand at this extraordinary feat.
Cause Covid-19, those registered for the regatta have postponed the starting dates and modified the course; the two stages from 1.270 miles between the Sables d’Olonne and Horta, on the island of Faial, Azores, Portuguese islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, have been diverted to Spain, the length of Oviedo.

Navigators who pass the three tests with a journey of more 1.500 miles, will have the opportunity to qualify for the main overseas race in this category.
Giovanni, since childhood, he trained in the waters in front of Civitavecchia making himself known for his sailing skills and seafaring skills acquired thanks to the support of Matteo Miceli, his mentor.
The regatta can be followed on the event website, thanks to satellite connections that will allow a constant GPS geo-location of all participants. There are all the premises for a great show, full of strategic choices in the ocean waters between the Vendée and Finistère.

It is possible to follow Giovanni also through the social networks Facebook and Instagram on the Giovanni Mengucci - Navigator page and on the page of the Foundation for Research on Cystic Fibrosis - Onlus (FFC) of which Giovanni is a partner and supporter.

Michela NunnRead the original article

Clarifications from the General Command of the Chap. of Porto

Topic: Lazio Region Ordinance no. 52 of 24 April u.s..

For office duty, appropriate awareness and maximum diffusion between the employees and the users concerned, as regards the Ordinance in question, with which the Lazio Region intended to provide detailed provisions and indications concerning some work activities concerning maritime and port areas with express reference to the nautical pleasure sector – taking into account that during the past weekend all the Offices of this Maritime Directorate have registered numerous requests for clarifications and clarifications regarding the activities allowed by the provision in question – having heard the relevant Department and with the coordination of the Bureau of the same Region, it is considered appropriate to communicate the following:

in) The provision only permits the movement of people,
inside the municipality or in the municipalities where the pleasure craft are moored and / or stored, for the development by the owner, of the owner or sailor with a regular employment contract and for the time strictly necessary for maintenance activities, repair and replacement of parts necessary for the protection and conservation of the property;

b) Similarly, are allowed, as part of storage activities,
of the marinas or in specially equipped places, in consideration of the
needs for the protection of the property that could be exposed to irreparable damage due to a lack of maintenance / conservation activity, maintenance activities for boats and pleasure boats;

c) The garages and the marinas that have the boats in storage, in the areas
of maintenance must observe the obligation of compliance with industry regulations and all measures aimed at protecting contagion from Covid 19 which remain unchanged, taking care to prohibit access to non-professionals;

d) The permitted activities must in any case be carried out in compliance with all the provisions and provisions aimed at containing the contagion and issued by the previous national provisions, regional and local, which remain in force, with particular regard to the "Shared protocol for regulating measures to combat and contain the spread of the COVID-19 Virus in the workplace" signed by the 14.03.2020 between government and social partners.

From this it follows that:
• the use of recreational craft is prohibited for recreational-recreational activities and more generally for any navigation activity not covered by the standards just mentioned (including movements from shipyards to berths if distant);
• access to marinas equipped with gate control is allowed
only with prior notice to the management of the same, in order to
allow a flow control and avoid gatherings;
• at public moorings or in any case at marinas without access control, containment measures apply in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic adopted so far;
• maintenance activities, repair and replacement of parts necessary for the protection and conservation of the property must be carried out by one person per vessel / boat, be it owner, owner or sailor with regular employment contract.

C.V. (CP) Vincenzo LEONE

Download the official document:

Order of the President of the Lazio Region n. Z00032 del 17 April 2020

Lazio region
Acts of the President of the Lazio Region

Order of the President of the Lazio Region 24 April 2020, n. Z00035

Order of the President of the Lazio Region n. Z00032 del 17 April 2020 – Additional measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-2019 – Ordinance under the article 32,
paragraph 3 of the law 23 December 1978, n. 833 on hygiene and public health.

Santa Marinella, John Mengucci prepares its new business

A new adventure begins for John Mengucci, The twenty year old Santa Marinella, After years of navigating the waters of the Tyrrhenian, He moved between England and the Bay of Biscay to prepare his new venture: the MINITRANS 2021, the legendary ocean race in solitary, born in 1977 which involves, every two years, sailors of boats only 6 meters and 50 centimeters.

Path, over 4000 miles, It starts from Rochelle to reach  Guadalupe, with a stop in the Canary Islands. John is about to launch the His new boat, Alpha Lyrae, name inspired from the star Vega, under construction at the yard Pogo Structures, manufacturer of boats  high performance.

The qualifying races will start in May 2020 and the young  navigator, with the registration number ITA1000, It will compete in a hard training path. The athlete, all frightened, has put to good use his nautical experience started in Civitavecchia at the age of 5 years and supported by the Working coast Water Civitavecchia and his mentor Matteo Miceli.

Last summer, MENGUCCI, He has already surfed the ocean as co-skipper of greek sailor Markos Spyropoulos.

Michela Nunn – Read Articles

The city of Civitavecchia and the Naval Station of the Guardia di Finanza: together since 70 years

This year the city of Civitavecchia remembers the settlement of Naval Station of the Guardia di Finanza, in the far 1949, at the historic Barracks (also known as "The Quartierone") entitled hero Garibaldi "With. Giacinto Bruzzesi "situated in Corso No Centocelle. 3.

The 23 September P.V., at hours 10:30, Luigi Calamatta at the hall of the Municipality of Civitavecchia, in the presence of Mayor, Mr.. Ernesto German, the Commander of the Naval Air Operations Department of the Guardia di Finanza, Col. t. ISSMI pil. Armando Franza, President of the National Association of Financiers Italy, lgt. Vincenzo Costa and the artistic director and presenter of the event, Dr. Ombretta Del Monte, will be held the press conference in which all the historical and cultural initiatives will learn that, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the settlement of the Naval Station of the Guardia di Finanza in Civitavecchia, will be held on 29 September 2019.

At the end of this significant day, in which it will be underlined the inseparable bond that links the decades Guardia di Finanza and the city of Civitavecchia, She will perform in concert the Band of the Guardia di Finanza, at hours 19:00 in the splendid Teatro Trajan.

Read Articles who

Ultrasonic Anemometer

The Port of Riva Trajan He has set today the new ultrasonic anemometer which allows measurements to be made with a very high degree of accuracy. The data is already visible on App and on the website web

How does an ultrasonic anemometer

Wind speed and direction are determined by measuring the time taken by ultra-sonic pulses to accomplish the path from the transducer that generates the pulse to the transducer that receives.

The tool uses 2 of transducers pairs, oriented along two orthogonal axes. The detection of the wind speed along the two axes allows to determine, in addition to the intensity, also the di-rection of the wind.

The instrument measures the ultrasonic pulse travel time between the two transducers of the same pair in both directions. We define tA (Round Trip Time) e tR (time from returns-no) the travel times in the two opposite directions. If the wind speed is zero, tA and tR are equal.

In the presence of wind, one of the two times is greater than the other, and the comparison between the two times makes it possible to determine in which direction the wind is blowing and with what intensity. The measurement of the traveling time in both directions is used to cancel the dependency of the transmission speed of ultrasound in the air by the environmental conditions of temperature-ra, humidity and atmospheric pressure

explanatory diagram of the measurement
Sensor characteristics

Presentation - Rome by one, Roma per due, Rome for all

Friday 1 February at 17.30, The President of the Circolo Nautico Riva Trajan, Alessandro Farassino invites all fans, sympathizers and sailors to the conference presentation of the XXVI edition of the popular race of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Like last year, The presentation will be held in Rome at the Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro, in the monumental complex of the Pious Sodality of Piceno - confirms the Chairman A. Farassino - "will present all the novelties of this year which will start on 6 April. E 'right to thank the Pious Sodality of Piceno and Lorenzo Zichichi of the Edizioni Il Cigno that allow us to take advantage of this structure of rare historical and architectural beauty in the heart of Rome ".

Article written by Michela Nunn (original laws)

Regulations of the Riva di Traiano Tourist Port

After appropriate security clearance of the Harbor for matters related to the Safety of Navigation and the clearance of the Lazio Region for all other relevant matters, It was approved New Regulations Porto Turistico Riva Trajan, n Ordinance. 192/18 in date 11 December 2018.

It invites us to examine it at the following link

Download the rules in PDF

Civitavecchia, new regulation for the marina Riva Trajan

Tuesday, 13 December 2018 at Porto Turistico Riva Trajan, President of C.d.A. Valerio Montanaro, together with the Board of Directors Francesco and Roberto Mengucci Colocci, Commander Massimo De Nights and Chief TC Cap Service. Paul Cigliano, He met with the Commander of the Port of Civitavecchia and Maritime Director of Lazio and Captain CP Vincenzo Leone, flanked by the commanders CV CP Michele Castaldo - CV CP Salvatore Minervino - CF CP Pio Oliva - CF CP Giannino De Martino - CF CP William Cassone - TV Gabriele Di Marzio. The meeting, It was the occasion of thanks from the Marina to the help offered by the Master to approve the "New Port Regulations". Read More

Proposals for the new APP harbor!

dearest friends,

It closes the summer season, with an average of 30 thousand hits per month between App and website, hundreds of thousands of friends and check-in on FB page … we can do is thank you!

We do not want to stop, there are many things we have done and we want to do to improve our port, beginning with the App for smartphones (Android e iPhone) we ask which services, improvements and new features you would like to see in the next upcoming update!

Osate people! The most interesting ideas will surely realized…

you can comment on post in our direattametne FB page or write to

Rich Italian Campione d'Este!

16 September - was in predictions and so was. The crew, more than others he has worked and developed throughout the course of the year was awarded the title of Italian Champion 2018, But wrong to presume to easy championship for the crew commanded by Mark Phlegm and directed by Federico Chiattelli.

The whole class, Perhaps never before in this league, It demonstrated a mean very high technical level that forced, all the most quoted crews, to never let our guard down in any of the eight tests.

Evidence of this is for example the fact that five of eight trials were the teams to win a victory, Rich d'Este course, but also La Poderosa 2.0 Roberto Ugolini, Estrella Julius Nuti, SuperSilvietta Fausto Cirillo and La Poderosa Paul Brinati.

The chronicle speaks of a wind unexpectedly supported the first day of Friday suffered three hard fought evidence. The powerful 2.0 He closed prior to the first absolute proof proving to be immediately form. Then the d'Este Rich answer that with a double first reestablished the balance.

Second day with cloudy sky on the ground and little thermal therefore available, He remained a light wind from the south to ensure three more tests anyway. Still Rich d'Este in front in the first Test, The powerful 2.0 ready to respond and put their nose in front of everyone in the second, third test that with a rotation to the right in the second upwind which gave Paul Brinati of La Poderosa the chance to win a well-deserved first place.

Sunday the third day of racing and championship still wide open.

Rich d'Este and La Poderosa 2.0 spaced just two points ready to do battle, Esterina Maurizio Galanti careful to defend third place finish with about. Fleet in the water and the wind even once this lightweight and southern.

Launch of the first test! Taking advantage of the brawl of markings and coverings and a renewed setting was SuperSilvietta to literally fly to the finish line by closing the first opening day. The powerful 2.0 third, two positions in front of a d'Este Rich careful not to break down and do not lose sight of their prey.

Eighth and final round with La Poderosa 2.0 that due to a not very brilliant, He remained mired in the center fleet failing to deliver the decisive blow to a d'Este Rich always in full control of the situation. Estrella was Julius Nuti crew to cut first the ultimate test of a beautiful Italian championship.

Conti quick to do and feast can begin: Rich d'Este is Italian Champion Este24 2018!

read the whole article …


The corporate offices of the tourist port of Riva di Traiano

Saturday 19 September was held the general shareholders ' meeting of Riva di Traiano Marina S.p. A.

On this occasion was approved the budget 2017 and renewed the company's Board of Directors.

Shareholders have confidence for the next three years to the outgoing Council, given the positive economic and financial results obtained with the relaunch of port structure.
The President Valerio Montanaro are you satisfied of the efforts and investments that have transformed the structure from simple landing at one of the best equipped Marina Resort of Central Tyrrhenian Sea.

The Chief Executive Officer Maximilian Mahmood has highlighted the growing number of transits and bookings for the upcoming summer season.
The Counsellor Kenneth Mak illustrated and explained to these economic achievements attained by defining and resolving old tax disputes.
The Advisors Isa Abdullah, Luciano Cabmen, Ernesto Moraggi and Roberto Colucci, with their skills, complete the leadership team of the Marina.


Article by Michela Naidu



From the Marina Riva di Traiano "Giannutri for us" Award Helen painter

Saturday, in the early afternoon, they took off the 15 boat entered the sixteenth edition of the Regatta Giannutri for us, Helen Painter Prize.
The boats are matches Saturday 12 may with indentation, Sunday 13, at the Marina of Riva di Traiano with halfway to the island of Giannutri.
To participate in the offshore race by category 3, boats with crews in double and crews of several people.

To organize the regatta, Amateur Sailing Association Granlasco in collaboration with SGS track that has provided the satellite Tracker boats.
The climate, with high pressure and wind from, never exceeded twenty knots and gave a pleasant overnight shipping to participating crews.
On the provisional classification where the first place tracking SGS Giannutri for two has been assigned to the vessel Giannutri and BruttiVizi for everyone at Albarossa.
The award ceremony will be the 17 may 20,00 at the headquarters of the Association Granlasco in Rome.

Article by Michela Naidu




The Marina Riva di Traiano hosts Polus Mini class 6.50

The Riva di Traiano Marina hosts Polus, craft Mini Transat class that sees two young athletes, John Mengucci (17 years) and Edward of Tarsia di Belmonte (18 years) After years of shared passion for the sea, of optimist dinghies, laser and 420, they made headlines in the last participation in "Roma Giraglia", last September.

The two young men arrived at three in the morning unharmed at the Marina di Riva di Traiano surpassing the stormy climate, reaching the finish line at the top of the Group on "double".

With Polus, Mini Transat, boat of 6 meters and 50, designed for the sea ocean floor and with a history that has 70 years of racing, John and Edward thrilled with the success of "Roma Giraglia" sail with dedication and passion just can get away from their crafts to students.

The Marina di Riva di Traiano is their safe haven, departure of all their sail.

I ask the owner John Mengucci of their future projects; MI mentions wanting to participate in various regattas in the Mediterranean in the coming year but his dream is the Mini Transat, two-stage race: Britain – Palmas to 1300 miles; Las Palmas – Martinique by 2700 miles that test every two years older than 80 skippers from all over Europe, in an ocean crossing without notice on the ground and without GPS. The regatta is taking place these days and our young athletes will have to wait for the next two years to participate.

Good guys!!! Fair winds for the coming year and for the great undertaking of 2019.

Article by Michela Naidu

Maintenance and emergency services on Marine Diesel engine for boaters

Saturday 25 March and 1 April from 15.30 at 18.30 at the headquarters of the Yacht Club

Maintenance and emergency services on Marine Diesel engine for boaters

Ulysses Garoni, marine engine mechanic, will hold a course for minor maintenance and emergency services on the inboard diesel engine. I'll explore the possible and more frequent inconveninenti that popssono happen, indicating its emergency interventions that yachtsmen may transfer personally. It will be a course by cutting “practical”; i will describe the basic checks to be carried out and will show you the most common problems with the indication of the solutions.

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presentation of global safety system GMDSS

Saturday 25 February minutes 16.00
at the headquarters of the Yacht Club

Security and safety of life

Anthony Dash, expert in the maritime mobile service, responsible for the GMDSS courses at the Navy League
Italiana – Sezione di Roma.
He directed the Institute of communications EUROLABRADIO; within Europe, He performed technical inspections of terrestrial mobile telecommunication systems, maritime and aviation. Involved in training activities for personnel at radio stations testing checks of ships, radiotelegraphic stations or transmitting aerials, GMDSS radio console

Communication related to safety of navigation and the safety of life at sea are an irreplaceable element in the maritime mobile service. Know and use of telecommunications equipment on board is vital and could make the difference in some situations of immediate danger.

Figure 1 GMDSS The GMDSS system has been developed to ensure greater efficiency and speed in rescue operations and a growing number of boaters, on a voluntary basis, requires the MMSI code to increase the level of security of the communications equipment of your boat, anticipating the time when this feature will become a mandatory.

Sola, over seas possible

Sunday 18 December at 16:00

in the Hall of the Yacth Club Marina Riva di Traiano

Sola, over seas possible

The giro d Marianna Italy ’ Dalal, solitary Navigator with dog

L ’ actress and sailor, back from almost 5000 miles alone will tell his experience to the Yacht Club members and their guests, interviewed by cartoonist, writer and yachtsman Bajar.

L Winter ’ debuts with Jugo and a large wind shift

Winter Championship 2016/2017 – Trofeo Paolo Venanzangeli

Win Tiber Remo Mon Ile in IRC, Ulika in ORC, Twins in cruise and Giuly del Mar in Gran Crociera

With a summer temperature almost touched the 20 degrees, He kicked off at Riva di Traiano on XXVIII Championship "Rome in winter"-Trofeo Paolo Venanzangeli. The wind is always kept on 10 nodes, but changing direction in the course of the regatta, from 115° to 170°, forcing the management to a path.

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Median August dinner 2016

Sporting Club Riva di Traiano S.r. l.

S. S.. Aurelia Km. 67,580
00053 Civitavecchia (RM)


  • Welcome drink
  • Tasty salad del Tirreno
  • Seafood risotto
  • Calamarata to red shrimp and pistachio
  • Fillet of sea bass with herbs
  • Scalloped Eggplant Parmigiana
  • Cod Nuggets and crispy vegetables
  • The Grand dessert Buffet with cakes Chef Mixed
  • Seasonal fruit in Bellavista
  • Coffee

Wine : Vermentino di Sardegna

Menu Costs € 50.00 per person

Cost Childrenâ € 20,00

You dance under the stars!
Live music with Lorenzo Tombolelli

For more information please contact us
in the following ways:
Phone: +39 0766 503238

Baby changing

Note that in order to offer an additional service to our users and visitors, the PTRT proceeded to set up the toilets under the Direction (used for transit) and those of the first breakwater dam Tower two workstations dedicated to “Baby Changing” with changing tables and collection buckets.

Riva di Traiano in Party 8-17 April 2016

During the 23rd Edition of Offshore race Rome x 1 (for sailors), Rome x 2 and Rome x Tutti, the commercial activities of the nautical centre of Riva di Traiano will promote a variety of activities and events dedicated to the sea and the environment.
Throughout the port area will be, In addition, These Stands with nautical companies, artistic, cultural and sustainable mobility with various initiatives and commercial promotions. Read More

The Mediterranean goes on Riva di Traiano

In three weeks of departure of Rome per1/2/everyone is already 43 registered boats and many other skippers, including some famous names in, they have already announced their participation. The boats arriving from France and from all regions of Italy, from the Adriatic, the Islands, on bass and alto Tirreno. Andrea Walls runs for "Five". At the start in class 950 even Maurizio Vettorato Read More